Thursday, May 31, 2012

More fur colors??? And different colors of items??

Okay this is AWESOME! I just spotted someone who kept changing fur colors and had items that were different colors from the ones they sell in store. It's insane. This person WAS talking, so I don't know if it was a mod or beta tester. Anyway, here are some pics:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another spotting of fur colors!

Okay this is crazy. I don't know if these people are mods are something but whenever I try to look at their user in the list it isn't there. So are a couple pictures of the white fur:
Notice how his title is Demigoddess Shaman.


Okay so you guys know already that fur colors are in stores, but only for show. But, today I saw two mice with the tiger fur in room 1. It was probably a tester for the fur. Here are pictures:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Eggs are gone

Hey guys. I am making another post to tell you that the Easter eggs have disappeared. They go poof. They will probably be back next Easter. You got items from the eggs and two titles. (Chocovore and Chocobunny) These are the items and what the eggs looked like:


Hey guys. This is my first time posting about an update on Transformice. I cannot believe how awesome this one is. You can customize the colors of some items, FUR colors came :D, and new clothing items. Here it is:
Fur colors:

New Items
Hair Styles:


I am pretty sure you guys can figure out the Customizable items yourselves :)
You can also buy (real money) the strawberries so you can get items cheaper.